what I do

what I do

Monday, June 27, 2011

Monday making lists


Happy Monday! I hope you have a great week planned. I will be all work and no play this week. Just trying to keep my head above water. And to help stay afloat, I am making my lists and sticking to them. It is the only way I can stay on task. 

I actually have quite a few lists this week and they are all lined up waiting for me.  I am finding it harder and harder to remember everything without writing it down. And that is not like me.  I guess there is just too much going on in my head. Last week I lost my car. I was on the phone with a wedding client who had called just as I was leaving my car to walk into an unfamiliar mall. Because I was on the phone, I didn't pay attention to where I was walking or where I parked. When I went to find my car I had absolutely no idea where it was. It took me about an hour to find it and in the process I was fairly convinced that I was losing my mind. It was not a good time. 

So this week, I vow to make some changes. I will try to get enough sleep and eat healthy.

 Do you think this asparagus cake qualifies? Check out Sweetapolita here for some more amazing looking cakes! And don't forget to make your list(s)! Happy Monday :)


Victoria said...

The asparagus cake definitely counts. Thanks for the laugh.

Marianne said...

Oh, yes... the cake counts in my book!

Jessie said...

Honestly, I am not a fan of cakes but that asparagus cake looks very gorgeous. Just the amount of details and effort she put in wows me.

Yup, most of us lose our minds once in a while. Lost a car in the parking lot? Check! Search for it for an hour? Check! Not my car, but a friend's car. And we were not talking at the phone at all. Haha..that made it even worse!

And while I was pregnant, I chopped some garlics and I thought I put them in the fridge. The next day, I could not find it. After a few more days, I found it in my kitchen cabinet. It's crazy.


Stephanie said...

Love that cake! Plus it gave me a good chuckle. How frightening not being able to find your car! You aren't loosing your mind, just busy and focusing on your phone call. Great idea to do the lists, maybe get a high school assistant this summer to help you? Enjoy the cake :)


Oh Sherri...I have done that and it is very frustrating.....I know my limitations so it is very important for me to pay attention now. I used to be able to multitask a whole lot more :)