what I do

what I do

Sunday, February 19, 2012


It is so easy to want what we don't have. Whether it be talents or looks or material things. 
In the kind of business that I am in, I am constantly seeing things new and improved. I am exposed to furnishings I would love to have but are out of my touch, people with so much talent it makes me wonder if I have any business doing what I do, and living where I do, here in Southern California, I am surrounded by beautiful people, beautiful cars and gorgeous homes. I live in a material world and it is sometimes hard to feel content.

Jane Hall via

And yet the truth is, I have so much. I am blessed and I know it. I am reminded this week that I live where it is easy to take clean drinking water for granted. That is not true so for many. I want to remember what I do have ... not what I don't.
"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart." - Hellen Keller


17 Perth said...

I love that--and it is so so true. Thank you for posting.

traci zeller designs said...

So, so very true. Thank you, Sherri!

annie@mostlovelythings said...


Robbie said...

My favorite quote from reading the little house on the prairie books (The Long Winter) was; "Never complain about what you have" This was said to Laura by her mother when she didn't want to eat one more potato; her mother knew that the potatoes were running out and there was no more food.